Student Life at AU

Student Life at AU

Students at Augustana University create lasting relationships within the vibrant campus community through clubs, engaging events and living together in residence halls.

  • Augustana’s 100+ clubs and organizations range from student government and volunteer service clubs to honor societies and faith organizations.
  • Community forms in on-campus housing, where students live and learn alongside one another.
AU in Review

AU In Review

Dean of Students

Office of Responsibilities & Community Standards

Health and Counseling

Housing and Residence Life

Rec Services

Student Engagement


  • Division of Student Affairs | | 605.274.5215

    Division of Student Affairs
    Edith Mortenson Center 119
    Campus Mailbox 724


Latest News

Augustana understands the value and impact that historically marginalized people have on communities all over the world — recognizing that this university would not be the place it is without these students, faculty and staff. In the "At AU" series, the university aims to showcase these exceptional people so we can all hear their voices in an effort to foster positivity and create awareness of their experiences on campus. For Black History Month, Augustana is featuring Awar Okello ‘27.

Through the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program, four Augustana students are getting the opportunity to make the world their classroom. Susana Gebrekidan ‘26, Ashley Grandpre ‘24, Rachida Mahamed ‘25 and Alena Vishnevsky ‘26 are the 2023-24 recipients of the Gilman Scholarship — an award that allows students to study abroad who may not have been able to otherwise.

Augustana Student Association (ASA) President Lauren Teller ‘24 and Vice President Henry Sule ‘24 have different backgrounds and nearly opposite Augustana stories. These differences, though, have made their partnership and administration stronger, as the pair focuses on transparency and connection.